Online sessions begins May 5, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Online sessions begins May 5, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

How Much is Paralegal Training?

Find out how much you can expect to pay on your path to becoming a paralegal. For more information about online or live paralegal training, paralegal certifications, or our other training courses for the legal support field, give us a call at 1 (800) 522-7737.

How long does it take to become a certified paralegal?

It really depends on what educational path you choose to take. There are certificate programs, degree programs, and job skill training programs. You can earn a degree by attending a community college or a university, and those may take anywhere from 18 months to 4 years. However, a degree in paralegal is not really necessary…

How Long Does it Take to Become a Paralegal?

Deciding to pursue becoming a paralegal is a big decision. Find out how long the process takes and what you can expect to experience on the way. For more information about online or live paralegal training, paralegal certifications, or our other training courses for the legal support field, give us a call at 1 (800) 522-7737.

Where should I start if I want to become a paralegal?

There are many ways to land on a path. If you’d like to be a paralegal and find law interesting, one of the best ways to start is to work in a legal field, as an administrative assistant, as a secretary, anything that puts you in that environment. Employees that can prove to their employers that…

How do I get on the path be a paralegal?

There are many ways to land on a path. If you’d like to be a paralegal and find law interesting, one of the best ways to start is to work in a legal field, as an administrative assistant, as a secretary, anything that puts you in that environment. For more information about online or live paralegal…

How are Certificates from Universities Across the Country Available Through CLS?

It’s a great question. The reason is because we are educational partners with more than 160 college and universities nationwide. We operate through the College and University Continuing Education and Professional Studies Department. It’s very different than the academic side of the house. The academic side of the house is where you go to earn…

What Should I Look When Picking a Paralegal School?

Honestly, the best way to pick the right paralegal school is the one that’s going to be the best fit for you: not only for your time and your budget, but for your desire to learn. For you to be successful, the course has got to be taught in the way that you feel you…

How do I Pick the Right Paralegal School?

Stephanie from CLS by BARBRI explores what you should look for to find the right paralegal school to fit your needs. If you have questions about how to become a paralegal or want to learn more about our paralegal training programs, give us a call at 1 (800) 522-7737.


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