Required Books

Legal Research, Analysis and Writing, 5th Edition

Cengage Learning

William H. Putman

Putman/Albright's popular LEGAL RESEARCH, ANALYSIS, AND WRITING, 5E, builds confidence and skills for paralegals with the latest reader-friendly, step-by-step content and vital coverage of traditional and technology-driven research, analysis and writing approaches used in law today.

Legal Research Methods, 2nd Edition

Thomson West

Michael D. Murray and Christy H. Desanctis

This text provides an efficient, practice-sensitive introduction to American legal research methods and analysis. It includes instruction on finding legal sources, analyzing them, and determining the answers to legal issues in a sophisticated and efficient manner. It covers electronic and print sour…
Recommended Books

Gilbert Pocket Size Law Dictionary 3d

West Academic

Publishers Editorial Staff

The entries in the Gilbert Law Dictionary encompass the most common words and definitions in the legal vocabulary.  The Dictionary is designed as a portable reference guide, abridged for convenience and facility.  With this book in hand, you should soon come to understand the language of law. E-bo…