Paralegals are in demand
Move your career forward in the growing legal market
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the number of paralegals to increase 12% between 2020 and 2030, much faster than the national average.
What paralegals do
Paralegals provide essential assistance to lawyers, corporations, and other organizations, and they have established themselves as a valuable member of any legal team. There is no shortage of need in the legal system for skilled and educated professionals with paralegal expertise. Upon successful completion of the CLS by BARBRI Paralegal Certificate Course©, you’ll be trained and ready to work in a variety of industries.
Where paralegals work
- Law offices
- Local, federal and state government agencies
- Insurance
- Finance
- Court system
- Real estate
- Corporate offices
- Non-profit organizations
The next step in your legal career
Are you a working paralegal looking to stand out to hiring firms, increase your earning potential and grow your career? It’s important for you to broaden your knowledge. An advanced paralegal training course is your way to gain skills and competency, and to make critical contributions to any company or organization. The paralegal profession is a rapidly growing field, and comprehensive training can help you differentiate.
If you are a paralegal professional, our Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course is your next big career move. When you successfully complete at least six of the sixteen advanced topics, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. Completing your legal studies in both our core Paralegal Certificate Course© and Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course will provide you with the comprehensive training and skills to power your career for the future.
In combination, the Paralegal Certificate Course© and Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course have been designed to meet the requirements of the California Business and Professional Code §6450, applicable to all working paralegals in the state of California. If you’re not ready to take the full Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course, start by taking one or two advanced topics to gain specialized training in your area of interest and earn a digital badge for each topic you complete.
Increase your marketability as a paralegal
CLS by BARBRI offers a variety of other courses any paralegal could benefit from to increase their knowledge and marketable skills.
The ability to conduct effective and efficient legal research and analysis is an important aspect of any legal career. With your paralegal certificate in hand, or a year of legal experience behind you, you’re now ready to learn more advanced and specialized approaches to legal research, writing and the eDiscovery process. From greater job readiness to endless opportunities for career advancement, the Advanced Legal Research and Writing course is the natural next step in your paralegal career. Additionally, CLS now offers an eDiscovery for Paralegals course endorsed by ACEDS, the gold standard in eDiscovery training and education.
Corporations, law firms, and insurance companies are in need of paralegals with specialized training in Personal Injury. Our Personal Injury for Paralegals course will help get you noticed by legal recruiters and increase your earning potential by teaching you the legal terms, causes of action and remedies available to victims of personal injury accidents.
Paralegals, as well as business and HR professionals, can benefit from additional specialized training. Add valuable credentials to your resume by gaining a more in-depth understanding of employment and labor policies with the Employment Law Certificate Course. Additionally, you can become qualified to develop or participate in the conflict mediation process, negotiations and settlements with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Course.
Courses for paralegal professionals
Paralegal Certificate Course©
Our flagship introductory course is the first step toward your paralegal career.
Online, Live Lecture, Text Only or Self-Study course
Starting at:

Advanced Paralegal Certificate Course
These topics build upon the introductory Paralegal Certificate Course© and advance your paralegal career.
Online or Text Only course
Starting at:
$3,300 or
$660 per topic
eDiscovery for Paralegals
Get a comprehensive introduction to the growing field of eDiscovery.
Online course
Starting at:
Personal Injury for Paralegals
Understand the legal terms, causes of action and remedies available to victims.
Online course
Starting at:
Advanced Legal Research and Writing
Learn advanced and specialized approaches to using legal resources as a paralegal professional.
Online course
Starting at:
Alternative Dispute Resolution Certificate Course
Train to develop ways to approach or participate in the conflict mediation process.
Online or Text Only course
Starting at:
Employment Law Certificate Course
Gain a deeper understanding of this branch of contract law that deals with public employee issues.
Online course
Starting at: