Online sessions begin March 10, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Online sessions begin March 10, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

The business landscape changes with each new innovation or opening of a new market. The skills you have may become obsolete within a few years. In such cases, adapting to the demands of your industry will enable you to keep or gain a competitive advantage. Getting a master’s degree will allow you to develop new skills and move up the corporate ladder.

Why Get an MBA

With the breakdown of international barriers and trade agreements, you will not only compete with colleagues at home, but also with the best minds in Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe. The skills you have now may no longer be useful in a few years. To stay competitive, you must stay abreast of the latest trends in your industry. One of the best ways to improve your skills and gain new insights is to get an MBA.

MBA programs follow certain structures based on the field you want to master, whether it is in marketing or finance. The program you choose will hone and upgrade your current skills, allowing you to stay competitive and gain new insights about your chosen field. You also get to network with colleagues and prospective business partners. The connections you make help strengthen your organization and broaden your market reach.

A graduate degree also helps entrepreneurs. It enables them to see a different perspective about their business, increase their knowledge, and gain skills that will allow them to overcome potential problems.

Before you get an MBA, you must take the GMAT. Most graduate programs require prospective students to submit their GMAT score before admission.

Getting your MBA - is it worth it?

CLS by BARBRI provides a preparation program for prospective graduate students. The GMAT has four sections: integrated reasoning, verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing. Our online course has two sets — one is to prepare you for the analytical writing and verbal section of the GMAT, and the other is for the quantitative and reasoning section.

Contact us to learn more about the test preparation and the study program.