Introduction to Paralegalism, 9th Edition
Cengage Learning
Statsky/Tepper's INTRODUCTION TO PARALEGALISM: PERSPECTIVES, PROBLEMS AND SKILLS, 9th Edition, provides paralegals with hands-on skills and real-world context to succeed. Skills covered in the book include identifying legal issues, breaking rules into elements, applying rules to facts, interviewing clients, investigating facts, digesting discovery documents, litigation assistance, researching the law, drafting documents and representing clients. Insights and examples help students understand ethical guidelines and cover efforts to regulate the profession in legislatures, courts and bar and paralegal associations. Case studies, technology updates and social media applications are included as well as tips about legal concepts and exercises. Fact patterns are followed and applied and Paralegal Perspectives provide insights into the profession and experiences of paralegals on the job. E-book edition also available, click here.
9th Edition
ISBN 9780357933411