Online sessions begin March 10, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Online sessions begin March 10, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.


What education do I need before taking a paralegal class? In order to take any of CLS by BARBRI programs, you’re going to need to have either your GED or your high school diploma. The reason that we require this is that these are college level courses. They’re in depth, they’re advanced, they’re intensive, and you need to at least have the skills afforded to you any basic high school education.




Additionally, I recommend that students have some familiarity with a computer. Can you perform basic internet searches? Do you know what a word processing program is, and do you know how to draft a simple document, things like margins, page layout, typeface formatting? All of these things will help make it easier for you to succeed in the paralegal course if you’re already familiar with them, prior to your beginning the program.