Online sessions begins May 5, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Online sessions begins May 5, 2025. ENROLL NOW! Call 1-800-522-7737, email [email protected] or click here to contact us.

Honestly, the best way to pick the right paralegal school is the one that’s going to be the best fit for you: not only for your time and your budget, but for your desire to learn. For you to be successful, the course has got to be taught in the way that you feel you learn the best. For instance, Center for Legal Studies offers training courses for paralegals in multiple formats. Our online course is generally the most popular. We also have live lectures in select cities and offer a print-based correspondence course.

So the fit for how you like to learn best is something to consider, but location is an important factor as well. Where are you going to earn that certificate from? If you take the course online, you can earn it from anywhere, but our recommendation is always to pick the school closest to you. If you’re going to continue living where you are, and plan to work in that area, it’s wise to get your training geographically close to home, because that school’s name is going to be most recognizable by your potential employer.